My stock is the fruit of chance encounters and serendipitous opportunities and consists mainly of works from the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Visual aesthetics play an important part in my choices, with decorative themed hardcovers, illustrated editions, bindings in a variety of colours and materials, fine editions and autographed letters. My inspiration is anything that is charming and unusual! My favourites are any books or objects that are strange or out of the ordinary…

Some examples to help you find your way around

At a loss when it comes to rare books? Then rather than listening to me waxing lyrical, consider just a handful of examples of what you can find in the Perle Rare/Rare Pearl Bookshop :

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La Picardie et ses chasses

VALICOURT (Comte Joseph de)

Sea stories and other stories.

GILSON (Major Charles), JOAN (Natalie) and others.

Les vagabonds de la gloire.

LARROUY (Maurice)

What is the price range for books sold in your bookshop or on the Internet?

To satisfy every appetite, you’ll find books ranging from ten euros to several hundred or thousands of euros.

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