Purchases & appraisals

If it were just up to me, I would love to make everyone happy and rescue every book from every attic.
But space is tight and so I must be selective.
I don’t buy books with barcodes, 20th century encyclopaedias, paperbacks, damaged books, records. Nor most current editions.

I may also be interested in buying old and/or rare books, singly or in bulk, providing they are in good condition, sometimes also books on literature and subjects such as Landscaping or Botany, Hunting, Equestrianism, Aviation, Esotericism and Freemasonry, the city of Senlis, as well as certain works on paper (drawings, watercolours, engravings), commercial publications or advertising material, postcards and sundry old documents. Fine bindings, autographs, letters and manuscripts are also welcome.

Need some examples of books that I do buy?

Rather than listening to me waxing lyrical, consider just a handful of examples :

  • All Posts
  • Rachat
Sea stories and other stories.

GILSON (Major Charles), JOAN (Natalie) and others.


So that you don’t have to move your books, you can first send me photos of the books, to contact@librairie-laperlerare.com or via the attached form. You can send me photos of the complete shelf like below, checking that the authors and titles are legible :

photos des ouvrages, par étagère complète en vérifiant que les auteurs et titres soient lisibles

Or, if the books are few in number, for each one, a photo of the outside of the open book, and one of the title page, like this :


    For the book(s) you find the most interesting :

    Old, modern, romantic books, incunabula… how to recognize them?

    Many people think that a new book is an unused book. It’s not as easy as that. Imagine, for example, there’s a stock of unsold books from a bookshop hundreds of years ago. Miraculously saved from the rubbish heap, salvaged in their original condition as an inheritance and kept for all that time up in the family attic. Now imagine that those books have never been sold or read (often they are “uncut” or not yet trimmed by rebinding). Are they then new or old? It’s complicated!

    As you will have realised, we need to define our terms. An “uninitiated” person will take modern books to mean “new books”, whilst a booklover will make a clear distinction between old and romantic! And to cap it all, what was modern yesterday will obviously be less so today and as time goes on… At the end of the day, aside from all these definitions, isn’t love at first sight what truly matters?

    A few definitions used by booklovers

    Until 1500

    A consensus seems to have been reached regarding the term “incunabulum” for the last few centuries in France. This term includes all works published since the invention of the printing press in 1454 and up until 1500.

    les livres anciens modernes romantiques incunables comment s y retrouver

    From 1501

    Books become “old”… up until a date that varies greatly depending on the source and the part of the world! Therefore, in France, this would mean the Revolution for some, while others will take it to mean the 1800s.

    After the first half of the 19th century

    Books will be defined as “romantic” and then “modern” (not to be confused with “new” or “contemporary”).


    Do you appraise antiquarian books?

    I do not have the title of expert, so I can’t carry out appraisals. However, thanks to my knowledge of books and their market, I can make estimates.

    There are many occasions when you’ll need an appraisal: during an inheritance or partition, when you need to sort out your library, to determine whether and which books you’re going to part with, or simply to find out if you have any rare gems hidden on your shelves.

    Would you like to have your books estimated? Please contact me. If the estimations concerns a large volume of books or requires in-depth research, it will be invoiced after prior estimate.

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