Name of the website: Librairie La Perle Rare
Website address:
Owner: Librairie La Perle Rare 9 rue du Châtel 60300 Senlis France
Person in charge of publication: Isabelle de SERCEY
Publication manager: AKATOA / Emmanuelle AÏSSY
Webdesign & development : Ombeline de Nombel / Double W
Hosting : OVH
Librairie La Perle Rare
RCS 499 508 521 Compiègne
SIRET: 499 508 521 00063 – Activity code : 4761Z
Address: 9 rue du Châtel 60300 Senlis France
Votre Gestion SAS with a capital of 37 000 euros
French nationality
Phone number: +33 6 70 29 10 39
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Photo credits : – et Isabelle de SERCEY
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